cvtools.data_augs.augmentations 源代码

#import torch
import cv2
import numpy as np
import types
from numpy import random

import cvtools

[文档]def intersect(box_a, box_b): max_xy = np.minimum(box_a[:, 2:], box_b[2:]) min_xy = np.maximum(box_a[:, :2], box_b[:2]) inter = np.clip((max_xy - min_xy), a_min=0, a_max=np.inf) return inter[:, 0] * inter[:, 1]
# crop用到
[文档]def jaccard_numpy(box_a, box_b): """Compute the jaccard overlap of two sets of boxes. The jaccard overlap is simply the intersection over union of two boxes. E.g.: A ∩ B / A ∪ B = A ∩ B / (area(A) + area(B) - A ∩ B) Args: box_a: Multiple bounding boxes, Shape: [num_boxes,4] box_b: Single bounding box, Shape: [4] Return: jaccard overlap: Shape: [box_a.shape[0], box_a.shape[1]] """ inter = intersect(box_a, box_b) area_a = ((box_a[:, 2]-box_a[:, 0]) * (box_a[:, 3]-box_a[:, 1])) # [A,B] area_b = ((box_b[2]-box_b[0]) * (box_b[3]-box_b[1])) # [A,B] union = area_a + area_b - inter return inter / union # [A,B]
[文档]class Compose(object): """Composes several augmentations together. Args: transforms (List[Transform]): list of transforms to compose. Example: >>> augmentations.Compose([ >>> transforms.CenterCrop(10), >>> transforms.ToTensor(), >>> ]) """ def __init__(self, transforms): self.transforms = transforms def __call__(self, img, boxes=None, labels=None): for t in self.transforms: img, boxes, labels = t(img, boxes, labels) return img, boxes, labels
[文档]class Lambda(object): """Applies a lambda as a transform.""" def __init__(self, lambd): assert isinstance(lambd, types.LambdaType) self.lambd = lambd def __call__(self, img, boxes=None, labels=None): return self.lambd(img, boxes, labels)
[文档]class ConvertFromInts(object): def __call__(self, image, boxes=None, labels=None): return image.astype(np.float32), boxes, labels
[文档]class SubtractMeans(object): def __init__(self, mean): self.mean = np.array(mean, dtype=np.float32) def __call__(self, image, boxes=None, labels=None): image = image.astype(np.float32) image -= self.mean return image.astype(np.float32), boxes, labels
[文档]class ToAbsoluteCoords(object): def __call__(self, image, boxes=None, labels=None): height, width, channels = image.shape boxes[:, 0] *= width boxes[:, 2] *= width boxes[:, 1] *= height boxes[:, 3] *= height return image, boxes, labels
[文档]class ToPercentCoords(object): def __call__(self, image, boxes=None, labels=None): height, width, channels = image.shape boxes[:, 0] /= width boxes[:, 2] /= width boxes[:, 1] /= height boxes[:, 3] /= height return image, boxes, labels
[文档]class Resize(object): def __init__(self, size=300): self.size = size def __call__(self, image, boxes=None, labels=None): image = cv2.resize(image, (self.size, self.size)) return image, boxes, labels
[文档]class ResizeFilled(object): def __init__(self, size=300): self.size = size def __call__(self, image, boxes=None, labels=None): h, w, _ = image.shape dim_diff = np.abs(h - w) # Upper (left) and lower (right) padding pad1, pad2 = dim_diff // 2, dim_diff - dim_diff // 2 # Determine padding pad = ((pad1, pad2), (0, 0), (0, 0)) if h <= w else ((0, 0), (pad1, pad2), (0, 0)) # h, w, c # Add padding image = np.pad(image, pad, 'constant', constant_values=0.) padded_h, padded_w, _ = image.shape # Resize image = cv2.resize(image, (self.size, self.size)) # cv2.imwrite("temp.jpg", image+(104, 117, 123)) boxes[:, [0, 2]] = (boxes[:, [0, 2]]*w + pad[1][0]) / float(padded_w) boxes[:, [1, 3]] = (boxes[:, [1, 3]]*h + pad[0][0]) / float(padded_h) # for box in boxes: # x1, y1, x2, y2 = box*300 # x1 = max(0, np.floor(x1 + 0.5).astype('int32')) # y1 = max(0, np.floor(y1 + 0.5).astype('int32')) # x2 = min(image.shape[1], np.floor(x2 + 0.5).astype('int32')) # 这里image是ndarray,size是标量,shape才是向量 # y2 = min(image.shape[0], np.floor(y2 + 0.5).astype('int32')) # cv2.rectangle(image, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 0, 255), 2) # import time # cv2.imwrite("results/"+time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S', time.localtime(time.time()))+".jpg", image) return image, boxes, labels
[文档]class RandomSaturation(object): def __init__(self, lower=0.5, upper=1.5): self.lower = lower self.upper = upper assert self.upper >= self.lower, "contrast upper must be >= lower." assert self.lower >= 0, "contrast lower must be non-negative." def __call__(self, image, boxes=None, labels=None): if random.randint(2): image[:, :, 1] *= random.uniform(self.lower, self.upper) return image, boxes, labels
[文档]class RandomHue(object): def __init__(self, delta=18.0): assert 0.0 <= delta <= 360.0 = delta def __call__(self, image, boxes=None, labels=None): if random.randint(2): image[:, :, 0] += random.uniform(, image[:, :, 0][image[:, :, 0] > 360.0] -= 360.0 image[:, :, 0][image[:, :, 0] < 0.0] += 360.0 return image, boxes, labels
[文档]class RandomLightingNoise(object): def __init__(self): self.perms = ((0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 1), (1, 0, 2), (1, 2, 0), (2, 0, 1), (2, 1, 0)) def __call__(self, image, boxes=None, labels=None): if random.randint(2): swap = self.perms[random.randint(len(self.perms))] shuffle = SwapChannels(swap) # shuffle channels image = shuffle(image) return image, boxes, labels
[文档]class ConvertColor(object): def __init__(self, current='BGR', transform='HSV'): self.transform = transform self.current = current def __call__(self, image, boxes=None, labels=None): if self.current == 'BGR' and self.transform == 'HSV': image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) elif self.current == 'HSV' and self.transform == 'BGR': image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR) else: raise NotImplementedError return image, boxes, labels
[文档]class RandomContrast(object): def __init__(self, lower=0.5, upper=1.5): self.lower = lower self.upper = upper assert self.upper >= self.lower, "contrast upper must be >= lower." assert self.lower >= 0, "contrast lower must be non-negative." # expects float image def __call__(self, image, boxes=None, labels=None): if random.randint(2): alpha = random.uniform(self.lower, self.upper) image *= alpha return image, boxes, labels
# 随机对图像每个像素添加一个值, # 该添加值是从 [-delat, delta] 中随机选取的. 默认的 delta 值是 32.
[文档]class RandomBrightness(object): def __init__(self, delta=32): assert delta >= 0.0 assert delta <= 255.0 = delta def __call__(self, image, boxes=None, labels=None): if random.randint(2): delta = random.uniform(, # image += delta image = image.astype( np.add(image, delta, out=image, casting='unsafe') image = np.clip(image, 0, 255) image = image.astype(np.uint8) return image, boxes, labels
[文档]class ToCV2Image(object): def __call__(self, tensor, boxes=None, labels=None): return tensor.cpu().numpy().astype(np.float32).transpose((1, 2, 0)), boxes, labels
[文档]class ToTensor(object): def __call__(self, cvimage, boxes=None, labels=None): return torch.from_numpy(cvimage.astype(np.float32)).permute(2, 0, 1), boxes, labels
# resize后,相当于局部放大了图像 # 此函数确保该图像块至少与一个 groundtruth box 有重叠, # 至少一个 gt box 的中心位于该图像块中. # 这样可以避免不包含明显的前景目标的图像块用于网络训练
[文档]class RandomSampleCrop(object): """Crop Arguments: img (Image): the image being input during training boxes (Tensor): the original bounding boxes in pt form labels (Tensor): the class labels for each bbox mode (float tuple): the min and max jaccard overlaps Return: (img, boxes, classes) img (Image): the cropped image boxes (Tensor): the adjusted bounding boxes in pt form labels (Tensor): the class labels for each bbox """ def __init__(self): self.sample_options = ( # using entire original input image None, # sample a patch s.t. MIN jaccard w/ obj in .1,.3,.4,.7,.9 (0.1, None), (0.3, None), (0.7, None), (0.9, None), # randomly sample a patch (None, None), ) def __call__(self, image, boxes=None, labels=None): height, width, _ = image.shape while True: # randomly choose a mode mode = random.choice(self.sample_options) if mode is None: return image, boxes, labels min_iou, max_iou = mode if min_iou is None: min_iou = float('-inf') if max_iou is None: max_iou = float('inf') # max trails (50) for _ in range(50): current_image = image w = random.uniform(0.3 * width, width) h = random.uniform(0.3 * height, height) # aspect ratio constraint b/t .5 & 2 if h / w < 0.5 or h / w > 2: continue left = random.uniform(width - w) top = random.uniform(height - h) # convert to integer rect x1,y1,x2,y2 rect = np.array([int(left), int(top), int(left+w), int(top+h)]) # calculate IoU (jaccard overlap) b/t the cropped and gt boxes overlap = jaccard_numpy(boxes, rect) # is min and max overlap constraint satisfied? if not try again if overlap.min() < min_iou and max_iou < overlap.max(): # 目前只对min做了限制,0.1, 0.3, 0.7, 0.9 continue # cut the crop from the image current_image = current_image[rect[1]:rect[3], rect[0]:rect[2], :] # keep overlap with gt box IF center in sampled patch centers = (boxes[:, :2] + boxes[:, 2:]) / 2.0 # mask in all gt boxes that above and to the left of centers m1 = (rect[0] < centers[:, 0]) * (rect[1] < centers[:, 1]) # mask in all gt boxes that under and to the right of centers m2 = (rect[2] > centers[:, 0]) * (rect[3] > centers[:, 1]) # mask in that both m1 and m2 are true mask = m1 * m2 # have any valid boxes? try again if not if not mask.any(): continue # take only matching gt boxes current_boxes = boxes[mask, :].copy() # take only matching gt labels current_labels = labels[mask] # should we use the box left and top corner or the crop's current_boxes[:, :2] = np.maximum(current_boxes[:, :2], rect[:2]) # adjust to crop (by substracting crop's left,top) current_boxes[:, :2] -= rect[:2] current_boxes[:, 2:] = np.minimum(current_boxes[:, 2:], rect[2:]) # adjust to crop (by substracting crop's left,top) current_boxes[:, 2:] -= rect[:2] return current_image, current_boxes, current_labels
# resize后,相当于整体缩小了图像
[文档]class Expand(object): def __init__(self, mean): self.mean = mean def __call__(self, image, boxes, labels): if random.randint(2): return image, boxes, labels height, width, depth = image.shape ratio = random.uniform(1, 4) left = random.uniform(0, width*ratio - width) top = random.uniform(0, height*ratio - height) expand_image = np.zeros( (int(height*ratio), int(width*ratio), depth), dtype=image.dtype) expand_image[:, :, :] = self.mean expand_image[int(top):int(top + height), int(left):int(left + width)] = image image = expand_image boxes = boxes.copy() boxes[:, :2] += (int(left), int(top)) boxes[:, 2:] += (int(left), int(top)) return image, boxes, labels
[文档]class SwapChannels(object): """Transforms a tensorized image by swapping the channels in the order specified in the swap tuple. Args: swaps (int triple): final order of channels eg: (2, 1, 0) """ def __init__(self, swaps): self.swaps = swaps def __call__(self, image): """ Args: image (Tensor): image tensor to be transformed Return: a tensor with channels swapped according to swap """ # if torch.is_tensor(image): # image = # else: # image = np.array(image) image = image[:, :, self.swaps] return image
[文档]class PhotometricDistort(object): def __init__(self): self.pd = [ RandomContrast(), ConvertColor(transform='HSV'), RandomSaturation(), RandomHue(), ConvertColor(current='HSV', transform='BGR'), RandomContrast() ] self.rand_brightness = RandomBrightness(delta=32) self.rand_light_noise = RandomLightingNoise() def __call__(self, image, boxes, labels): im = image.copy() im, boxes, labels = self.rand_brightness(im, boxes, labels) if random.randint(2): distort = Compose(self.pd[:-1]) else: distort = Compose(self.pd[1:]) im, boxes, labels = distort(im, boxes, labels) return im, boxes, labels
# return self.rand_light_noise(im, boxes, labels)
[文档]class SSDAugmentation(object): def __init__(self, size=300, mean=(104, 117, 123)): # mean值应该通过对自己的数据集聚类得到,但是似乎影响不大,暂时没修改 self.mean = mean self.size = size self.augment = Compose([ ConvertFromInts(), # int->np.float32 ToAbsoluteCoords(), # Absolute Coords PhotometricDistort(), # 光度变形 Expand(self.mean), # 概率图像扩展 RandomSampleCrop(), # 随机裁剪 RandomMirror(), # 随机镜像 ToPercentCoords(), # [0, 1] Relative Coords Resize(self.size), SubtractMeans(self.mean) ]) def __call__(self, img, boxes, labels): return self.augment(img, boxes, labels)
[文档]class RandomMirror(object): def __init__(self, both=True): self.both = both def __call__(self, image, boxes): # _, width, _ = image.shape # if random.randint(2): # image = image[:, ::-1] # boxes = boxes.copy() # boxes[:, 0::2] = width - boxes[:, 2::-2] if not isinstance(boxes, np.ndarray): boxes = np.array(boxes) # 返回的数据类型一致性 # 如果同时触发水平镜像和竖直镜像就等价于旋转180度 flip_code = random.randint(4) if not self.both: flip_code = random.randint(3) if flip_code == 1: image, boxes = horizontal_mirror(image, boxes) elif flip_code == 2: image, boxes = vertical_mirror(image, boxes) elif flip_code == 3: image, boxes = horizontal_mirror(image, boxes) image, boxes = vertical_mirror(image, boxes) return image, boxes
[文档]def horizontal_mirror(image, boxes): """水平方向(flipping around the y-axis)镜像 Args: image(np.ndarray): numpy数组 boxes(np.ndarray): numpy数组,nx4 or nx8 """ _, width, _ = image.shape image = cv2.flip(image, 1) # 不修改原图,image内存连续 # image = image[:, ::-1] # image不内存连续 boxes = boxes.copy() box_coor_len = boxes.shape[1] # TODO: 分离bbox和polygon if box_coor_len == 4: # 对角线形式,一般而言认为第一个点是左上点 boxes[:, 0::2] = width - boxes[:, 2::-2] elif box_coor_len == 8: # polygon形式不改变点的相邻关系 boxes[:, 0::2] = width - boxes[:, 0::2] else: raise NotImplementedError return image, boxes
[文档]class RandomHorMirror(object): """水平方向(flipping around the y-axis)镜像""" def __call__(self, image, boxes, r=True): """image参数被原位修改,boxes参数不会被修改""" if not isinstance(boxes, np.ndarray): boxes = np.array(boxes) # 返回的数据类型一致性 if not r or random.randint(2): image, boxes = horizontal_mirror(image, boxes) return image, boxes
[文档]def vertical_mirror(image, boxes): height, _, _ = image.shape image = cv2.flip(image, 0) # 不修改原图,image内存连续 # image = image[::-1] # image不内存连续 box_coor_len = boxes.shape[1] boxes = boxes.copy() if box_coor_len == 4: boxes[:, 1::2] = height - boxes[:, 3::-2] elif box_coor_len == 8: boxes[:, 1::2] = height - boxes[:, 1::2] else: raise NotImplementedError return image, boxes
[文档]class RandomVerMirror(object): """竖直方向(flipping around the x-axis)镜像""" def __call__(self, image, boxes): """image参数被原位修改,boxes参数不会被修改""" if not isinstance(boxes, np.ndarray): boxes = np.array(boxes) # 返回的数据类型一致性 if random.randint(2): image, boxes = vertical_mirror(image, boxes) return image, boxes
[文档]def rotate_90(img, bboxes=None): """顺时针旋转90度 bboxes支持的格式 两点式: x1y1x2y2, 四点式:x1y1x2y2x3y3x4y4 Args: img(np.ndarray): the format of opencv image bboxes(list or np.ndarray): supported format two points: x1y1x2y2, four points: x1y1x2y2x3y3x4y4 """ h, w, _ = img.shape trans_img = cv2.transpose(img) new_img = cv2.flip(trans_img, 1) if bboxes is None: return new_img else: # bounding box 的变换: 一个图像的宽高是W,H, # 如果顺时90度转换,那么原来的原点(0, 0)到了 (H, 0) 这个最右边的顶点了, # 设图像中任何一个转换前的点(x1, y1), 转换后,x1, y1是表示到 (H, 0)这个点的距离, # 所以我们只要转换回到(0, 0) 这个点的距离即可! # 所以+90度转换后的点为 (H-y1, x1), -90度转换后的点为(y1, W-x1) if not isinstance(bboxes, np.ndarray): bboxes = np.array(bboxes) else: bboxes = bboxes.copy() box_coor_len = bboxes.shape[1] x_axis = range(0, box_coor_len, 2) y_axis = range(1, box_coor_len, 2) ori_axis = range(box_coor_len) new_axis = cvtools.concat_list(zip(y_axis, x_axis)) bboxes[:, ori_axis] = bboxes[:, new_axis] bboxes[:, x_axis] = h - bboxes[:, x_axis] return new_img, bboxes
[文档]def rotate_270(img, bboxes=None): """逆时针旋转90度 bboxes支持的格式 两点式: x1y1x2y2, 四点式:x1y1x2y2x3y3x4y4 Args: img(np.ndarray): the format of opencv image bboxes(list or np.ndarray): supported format two points: x1y1x2y2, four points: x1y1x2y2x3y3x4y4 """ h, w, _ = img.shape trans_img = cv2.transpose(img) new_img = cv2.flip(trans_img, 0) if bboxes is None: return new_img else: # bounding box 的变换: 一个图像的宽高是W,H, # 如果顺时90度转换,那么原来的原点(0, 0)到了 (H, 0) 这个最右边的顶点了, # 设图像中任何一个转换前的点(x1, y1), 转换后,x1, y1是表示到 (H, 0)这个点的距离, # 所以我们只要转换回到(0, 0) 这个点的距离即可! # 所以+90度转换后的点为 (H-y1, x1), -90度转换后的点为(y1, W-x1) if not isinstance(bboxes, np.ndarray): bboxes = np.array(bboxes) else: bboxes = bboxes.copy() box_coor_len = bboxes.shape[1] x_axis = range(0, box_coor_len, 2) y_axis = range(1, box_coor_len, 2) ori_axis = range(box_coor_len) new_axis = cvtools.concat_list(zip(y_axis, x_axis)) bboxes[:, ori_axis] = bboxes[:, new_axis] bboxes[:, y_axis] = w - bboxes[:, y_axis] return new_img, bboxes
[文档]def rotate_180(img, bboxes=None): """顺时针旋转180度 bboxes支持的格式 两点式: x1y1x2y2, 四点式:x1y1x2y2x3y3x4y4 Args: img(np.ndarray): the format of opencv image bboxes(list or np.ndarray): supported format two points: x1y1x2y2, four points: x1y1x2y2x3y3x4y4 """ h, w, _ = img.shape new_img = cv2.flip(img, -1) if bboxes is None: return new_img else: # bounding box 的变换: 一个图像的宽高是W,H, # 如果顺时90度转换,那么原来的原点(0, 0)到了 (H, 0) 这个最右边的顶点了, # 设图像中任何一个转换前的点(x1, y1), 转换后,x1, y1是表示到 (H, 0)这个点的距离, # 所以我们只要转换回到(0, 0) 这个点的距离即可! # 所以+90度转换后的点为 (H-y1, x1), -90度转换后的点为(y1, W-x1) if not isinstance(bboxes, np.ndarray): bboxes = np.array(bboxes) else: bboxes = bboxes.copy() box_coor_len = bboxes.shape[1] x_axis = list(range(0, box_coor_len, 2)) y_axis = list(range(1, box_coor_len, 2)) bboxes[:, y_axis] = h - bboxes[:, y_axis] bboxes[:, x_axis] = w - bboxes[:, x_axis] return new_img, bboxes
[文档]class RandomRotate(object): """随机旋转0度、90度、180度、270度 """ def __call__(self, image, boxes, rotate=None): if not isinstance(boxes, np.ndarray): boxes = np.array(boxes) if not rotate: rotate = random.choice([None, 'rotate_90', 'rotate_180', 'rotate_270']) if rotate: image, boxes = eval(rotate)(image, boxes) return image, boxes