cvtools.label_convert.voc_to_coco 源代码

import os.path as osp
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import json

import cvtools
from cvtools.evaluation.class_names import get_classes

[文档]class VOC2COCO(object): """convert voc-like dataset to coco-like dataset Args: root (str): path include images, xml, file list mode (str): 'train', 'val', 'trainval', 'test'. used to find file list. cls (str or list): class name in a file or a list. cls_replace (dict): a dictionary for replacing class name. if not needed, you can just ignore it. use_xml_name (bool): image filename source, if true, using the same name as xml for the image, otherwise using 'filename' in xml context for the image. read_test (bool): Test if the picture can be read normally. """ def __init__(self, root, mode='train', cls=get_classes('voc'), cls_replace=None, use_xml_name=True, read_test=False): self.root = root self.mode = mode self.cls_replace = cls_replace self.use_xml_name = use_xml_name self.read_test = read_test if isinstance(cls, str): self.voc_classes = cvtools.read_files_to_list(cls) else: self.voc_classes = cls self.cls_map = {name: i + 1 for i, name in enumerate(self.voc_classes)} file = osp.join(root, 'ImageSets/Main/{}.txt'.format(mode)) self.imgs = cvtools.read_files_to_list(file) self.img_paths = [ 'JPEGImages/{}.jpg'.format(img_name) # relative path for img_name in self.imgs ] self.xml_paths = [ osp.join(root, 'Annotations/{}.xml'.format(img_name)) for img_name in self.imgs] # coco format dataset definition self.coco_dataset = { "info": { "description": "The PASCAL Visual Object Classes.", "url": "", "version": "1.0", "year": 2007, "contributor": "VOC", "date_created": cvtools.get_time_str() }, "categories": [], "images": [], "annotations": [] } self.imageID = 1 self.annID = 1
[文档] def convert(self, filter_objs=None): for key, value in self.cls_map.items(): cls = key if self.cls_replace and key in self.cls_replace.keys(): cls = self.cls_replace[key] self.coco_dataset['categories'].append({ 'id': int(value), 'name': cls, 'supercategory': cls }) for index, xml_path in enumerate(self.xml_paths): print('parsing xml {} of {}: {}.xml'.format( index+1, len(self.imgs), self.imgs[index])) try: tree = ET.parse(xml_path) except FileNotFoundError: print('file {} is not found!'.format(xml_path)) continue root = tree.getroot() # try: # verified = root.attrib['verified'] # if verified == 'yes': # verified = True # except KeyError: # verified = False # if not verified: # print('not verified, filter image {}'.format(img_path)) # continue size = root.find('size') w = int(size.find('width').text) h = int(size.find('height').text) img_path = self.img_paths[index] if not self.use_xml_name: img_path = 'JPEGImages/{}'.format(root.find('filename').text) img_path = self.check_image(img_path) if img_path is None: print('{} failed to pass inspection'.format(self.xml_paths)) continue img_info = { 'file_name': img_path, # relative path 'id': self.imageID, 'width': w, 'height': h, } objects = root.findall('object') if filter_objs: objects = filter_objs(img_info, objects) if len(objects) == 0: print('Image {} has no object'.format(img_path)) continue self.coco_dataset["images"].append(img_info) for obj in objects: name = obj.find('name').text difficult = int(obj.find('difficult').text) bnd_box = obj.find('bndbox') bbox = [ int(bnd_box.find('xmin').text), int(bnd_box.find('ymin').text), int(bnd_box.find('xmax').text), int(bnd_box.find('ymax').text) ] bbox = cvtools.x1y1x2y2_to_x1y1wh(bbox) area = bbox[2] * bbox[3] try: cls_id = self.cls_map[name] except KeyError: print('ignore {} in {}.xml'.format(name, self.imgs[index])) continue self.coco_dataset['annotations'].append({ 'area': area, 'bbox': bbox, 'category_id': cls_id, # 0 for backgroud 'id': self.annID, 'image_id': self.imageID, 'iscrowd': 0, 'ignore': 0, 'difficult': difficult, 'segmentation': [] }) self.annID += 1 self.imageID += 1
[文档] def check_image(self, img_path): file = osp.join(self.root, img_path) if not cvtools.isfile_casesensitive(file): image_types = ['.jpg', '.png', '.jpeg', '.JPG', '.PNG', '.JPEG'] for suffix in image_types: img_path = osp.splitext(img_path)[0] + suffix file = osp.join(self.root, img_path) if cvtools.isfile_casesensitive(file): break if not cvtools.isfile_casesensitive(file): print("No images found in {}".format(osp.basename(img_path))) return None else: if self.read_test: try: img = cvtools.imread(osp.join(self.root, img_path)) except Exception as e: print(e, 'filter images {}'.format(img_path)) return None if img is None: print('image {} is None'.format(img_path)) return None return img_path
[文档] def save_json(self, to_file='cocolike.json'): # save json format results to disk cvtools.utils.makedirs(to_file) with open(to_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(self.coco_dataset, f) print('!save {} finished'.format(to_file))
if __name__ == '__main__': mode = 'train' root = 'D:/data/VOC2007' voc_to_coco = VOC2COCO(root, mode=mode, cls=['person', 'car'], read_test=True) voc_to_coco.convert() to_file = 'D:/data/VOC2007/json/{}.json'.format(mode) voc_to_coco.save_json(to_file=to_file)