cvtools.data_augs.crop.crop_abc 源代码

# -*- encoding:utf-8 -*-
# @Time    : 2019/11/20 14:53
# @Author  : gfjiang
# @Site    : 
# @File    :
# @Software: PyCharm
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np

import cvtools

[文档]class Crop(object):
[文档] def crop_for_train(self): raise NotImplementedError
[文档] def crop_for_test(self): raise NotImplementedError
[文档] def save(self, to_file): raise NotImplementedError
[文档]class CropDataset(object): """An abstract class representing a Dataset for crop. All other datasets should subclass it. All subclasses should override ``__len__``, that provides the size of the dataset, and ``__getitem__``, supporting integer indexing in range from 0 to len(self) exclusive. """ def __getitem__(self, index): raise NotImplementedError def __len__(self): raise NotImplementedError
[文档]class CropMethod(object): def __init__(self, iof_th=0.7): self.iof_th = iof_th self.img_boxes = [] self._ann_ids = [] self._crop_ann_ids = [] self._num_imgs = 0 self._num_crop_imgs = 0
[文档] def get_stats(self): num_anns = len(self._ann_ids) num_crop_anns = len(self._crop_ann_ids) num_missing_anns = num_anns - len(set(self._crop_ann_ids)) stats = { 'num_imgs': self._num_imgs, 'num_crop_imgs': self._num_crop_imgs, 'radio_img': round(self._num_crop_imgs / float(self._num_imgs), 2), 'num_anns': num_anns, 'num_crop_anns': num_crop_anns, 'num_failing_anns': num_missing_anns, 'radio_ann': round(num_crop_anns / float(num_anns), 2) } return stats
[文档] def reset_stats(self): self._ann_ids = [] self._crop_ann_ids = [] self._num_imgs = 0 self._num_crop_imgs = 0
def __call__(self, img, anns): return self.crop(img, anns)
[文档] def crop(self, img, anns=None): raise NotImplementedError
[文档] def match_anns(self, anns): assert len(self.img_boxes) > 0 reserved = defaultdict() gt_boxes = [ann['bbox'] for ann in anns] self._ann_ids += [ann['id'] for ann in anns] if len(gt_boxes) == 0: iof = None else: iof = self.cal_iof(gt_boxes) for i, img_box in enumerate(self.img_boxes): index_reserved = list( set(np.where(iof[..., i] >= self.iof_th)[0]) ) if iof is not None else [] if len(index_reserved) > 0: # 不允许无anns的crop子图 reserved[tuple(img_box)] = index_reserved self._crop_ann_ids += [anns[ind]['id'] for ind in index_reserved] self._num_crop_imgs += 1 self._num_imgs += 1 return reserved
[文档] def cal_iof(self, gt_boxes): """iof: 行是gt_boxes,列是crop_imgs""" assert len(gt_boxes) > 0 and len(self.img_boxes) > 0 gt_boxes = cvtools.x1y1wh_to_x1y1x2y2(np.array(gt_boxes)) img_boxes = np.array(self.img_boxes) iof = cvtools.bbox_overlaps(gt_boxes, img_boxes, mode='iof') return iof
[文档]def cal_iof(gt_boxes, img_boxes): """ img_boxes: x1,y1,x2,y2 gt_boxes: x1,y1,w,h iof: 行是gt_boxes,列是crop_imgs """ assert len(gt_boxes) > 0 and len(img_boxes) > 0 gt_boxes = cvtools.x1y1wh_to_x1y1x2y2(np.array(gt_boxes)) img_boxes = np.array(img_boxes) iof = cvtools.bbox_overlaps(gt_boxes, img_boxes, mode='iof') return iof