cvtools.evaluation.recall module

cvtools.evaluation.recall.eval_recalls(gts, proposals, proposal_nums=None, iou_thrs=None, print_summary=True)[源代码]

Calculate recalls.

  • gts (list or ndarray) -- a list of arrays of shape (n, 4)
  • proposals (list or ndarray) -- a list of arrays of shape (k, 4) or (k, 5)
  • proposal_nums (int or list of int or ndarray) -- top N proposals
  • thrs (float or list or ndarray) -- iou thresholds

recalls of different ious and proposal nums



cvtools.evaluation.recall.plot_iou_recall(recalls, iou_thrs)[源代码]

Plot IoU-Recalls curve.

  • recalls (ndarray or list) -- shape (k,)
  • iou_thrs (ndarray or list) -- same shape as recalls
cvtools.evaluation.recall.plot_num_recall(recalls, proposal_nums)[源代码]

Plot Proposal_num-Recalls curve.

  • recalls (ndarray or list) -- shape (k,)
  • proposal_nums (ndarray or list) -- same shape as recalls
cvtools.evaluation.recall.print_recall_summary(recalls, proposal_nums, iou_thrs, row_idxs=None, col_idxs=None)[源代码]

Print recalls in a table.

  • recalls (ndarray) -- calculated from bbox_recalls
  • proposal_nums (ndarray or list) -- top N proposals
  • iou_thrs (ndarray or list) -- iou thresholds
  • row_idxs (ndarray) -- which rows(proposal nums) to print
  • col_idxs (ndarray) -- which cols(iou thresholds) to print
cvtools.evaluation.recall.set_recall_param(proposal_nums, iou_thrs)[源代码]

Check proposal_nums and iou_thrs and set correct format.